Monday, February 14, 2011

Ut-oh! Oops! - Cheryl Week 6

(This may be long). "A minute on the lips - Forever on your hips?" Is that how it goes? Something like that...Well, here's my story. Monday, I weighed in and lost weight (as usual for me in this challenge so far). My family had been in town the prior week for our daughter's 4th birthday. (We had a great time and I stuck by my checklist). Dawn had just left Saturday and we were taking my parents to the airport in Pensacola as they were headed home as well on Monday. Pensacola is about an hour away and we thought we would get lunch on our way back. I spotted a Steak-n-Shake (yummy place for those who are unfamiliar). I said "Ooo, that sounds good." My husband said "Okay, we can go there." I said "No, no, that's okay - it just sounds yummy." He said "Why not? You already weighed in today". I was tempted and I did eat. ONE MEAL!! I MADE A BAD CHOICE AND TWO LBS HAVE REMAINED ON MY HIPS ALL WEEK LONG!!! I ate a cheeseburger and fries. I did not have a shake because I knew that would be more than a 100 calorie treat. I had my water. Tuesday I was two lbs up! I have worked hard all week to get back down so I could still have weight loss today (even if just .1) but it didn't happen. I have remained two lbs up ALL WEEK LONG. My confidence got the best of me and I admit it. I knew I was making a risky choice, but I thought I could get it off no problem. Wrong! Thus, the saying that started this paragraph. That, however, doesn't effect my points today, but it will next Monday's. What effected my points today was that I forgot to say something positive to myself one day. Had a reviewed my checklist before I went to bed that night, I would have caught it. Then Saturday night a friend came over with a troubled heart at 9pm (when I usually start exercising). She sat and needed a shoulder to lean on. She was here until 11pm. Needless to say, I did not exercise. She had walked to our house, so I took her home and then crawled into bed. So - points this week for me: 70. (Whoa - yep, that was long...sorry).

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