Monday, February 28, 2011

Wendy--Week 8

It was a rough week after my weight-loss high last week. I knew it would be next to impossible to lose weight this week after losing so much last week, but I wanted to make the most of being able to have a perfect point week this week. However, early on I was exhausted after the baby being sick all weekend and crashed and burned on Tuesday night. I fell asleep before getting my points for saying something positive in the mirror, finishing my water for the day, reading my scriptures, and doing my exercise. I was devastated the next morning. There were so many times I just wanted to throw in the towel for the whole week since I had already lost those four points. I stuck it out and ended up with 68 points, only losing those four points on Tuesday. I keep trying to tell myself I can make to the end, but I'm sure having to have a lot of pep talks!

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