Monday, February 22, 2010

Week 7 points

I'm so impressed with everyone's weight loss. This is so great for everyone to be motivated and working hard. Even if we don't do our best, as long as we're not gaining we're doing well, huh? (Says the woman who is gaining ... ;) I did have someone at church yesterday say my face looked like I had lost weight. Maybe it was my new haircut ... but I'd like to think any weight gain now is baby weight. I was exactly the same weight today at my dr appointment as I was two weeks ago, but the baby has supposedly gained a pound. I'll take it!

This was definitely not my best week. I'm tired, so exercise is very hard right now -- I only exercised one day. But I'm staying away from treats most days. In any case, I ended the week with 62 points and no weight loss. I'm hoping to get more exercise in this week. I also hope to be more veggie-minded this week since I always do better when I'm making a conscious effort to eat more veggies (and not just fruits).

Hope you all have a wonderful week! Can you believe this is the last week of February?!?

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