Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 2 - better late than never

I missed posting yesterday and I really needed that extra point. I was down, actually way down this week, only 54 points. It was my birthday though and we celebrated the whole weekend with my family up North. I find it much harder to keep to my schedule when I am staying with someone else. This week will be better. We are getting in the habit of doing all the things on the list without having to look to see what's there. I did a personal wellness test through my insurance company and they said the one area I need to work on is 4-5 servings of vegetables per day. I think that would be a great thing to add to this challenge next time. Vegetables keep you full, are very healthy (if you don't put toppings on) and they are great for fighting diseases like cancer.

1 comment:

  1. I actually debated about whether or not to keep the veggies requirement since that was on the last challenge. For those of us who are on our second time, I changed a few things to mix it up. And veggies are definitely a downfall for me -- I just don't like 'em nearly enough. So I work on that continually, too ...
