Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good luck, ladies!

Yes, I did invite men to join our challenge, too. In fact, one who didn't realize it was me who started the challenge thought it was a very good scam. Funny.

In any case, a couple of clarifications:
- Our weeks of points will go from Mondays to Sundays.
- Count your sleeping points on the day after you sleep (so yesterday you could get a point for how you slept the night before).

And those in the contest include:
- Gwen
- Denise
- Jenn
- Jennifer
- Christy
- Christina
- Barbara
- Aubrey
- Rachel ? (still trying to confirm for sure)

Did I miss anyone?!?

Good luck! If you don't get an e-mail inviting you to be an author on the site, let us know and we'll send it to you. That way you can create your own posts and include pics.


  1. I haven't yet recieved an email invitation. maybe I just got missed. Here' my addy flitterbyathome (at) yahoo (dot) com. Thanks girls I'm excited to have someone checking up one me maybe I'll actually get somewhere this time.


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