Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 4 Post

67 points collected. No weight gain or loss.

I have been eating pretty much whatever or however much I wanted as long as I logged it. I lost a few points this week to snacking, but mostly I have been eating good foods and just a whole lot of it. I didn't exercise as much as I usually would because the fitness center was closed. I just did the minumum 30 minutes and counted some physical activities like mowing the lawn (which actually was a lot of work because the grass was so long that it all had to be bagged).

After taking a break just maintaining for a couple of months, I am ready to focus on actual weight loss again. I want to lose at least the last 5 pounds to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. So I am going to start tracking my calories again at 'The Daily Plate' site at This is a great way to track calories because it is easy to use and very customizable. For example, you can group foods into a meal. This is great because if you eat the same combination of foods frequently, you can add all the foods in that meal with a single click.

I know this post is getting kind of long, but I want to end with an idea that I find very helpful. For me weight loss is all about planning ahead and this tip is a step toward simplify that planning:
Dr. Roizen says people should try to automate their breakfast and lunch. "Why we get so fat is we have so many choices…we want one of everything," he says.

For breakfast, Dr. Roizen says you should have the same thing or the same small variety of things every day. Oatmeal, whole grain cereals and egg-white omelets are great options. Then, do the same thing at lunch. Find a lunch that's satisfying and stick with it. Then, come dinner time, you can enjoy a variety of options!
Here is looking forward to a great October!

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