Monday, January 17, 2011

Rebecca Week 2

This week I've learned that forced hibernation is not good for the challenge. My total points for the week is a meager 50. For some reason I did loose 3 lbs. though...not sure how that happened. Denise, I put the check in the mail Monday morning of last week but two days later I was informed by my husband that the storm that hit Atlanta shut down the Post Office. That meant that the check I put in the mailbox...sat in the mailbox (hopefully) until Wednesday!! So sorry about that, hopefully you get it soon. As far as points go, it looks like I am already out of the running as far as winning goes but guess what? I am so happy that I am actually thinking about what I am eating, and doing great at not eating after 8 pm and reading my scriptures more and really trying that it is worth the $20.00 and then some. Here's to a great week 3.

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